Video-0787(1.2) Creating a Bright Future
Video-0787(1.2) Creating a Bright Future
No. 787
Category / Master and Disciple
Event date / 2007.02.18
Place / (Formosa/Taiwan) Hsihu
Language / English
Time (mins) / 26,39,22,24,18
Published date / 2008.11
Updated date / 2018.09
Tables / Aulacese,Chinese-S,Chinese-T,English,French,Indonesian,Japanese,Korean,Spanish,Thai  | 
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  • Summary

In 1995, the then President of the Philippines, Fidel V. Ramos, granted permanent residence to around 5000 Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees, despite international pressure and the restrictive policies of repatriation followed by other countries at that time. This unprecedented action was a compassionate example of an enlightened government since the Philippines became the only country in the world to provide a new life to thousands in need.

To offer thanks and acknowledgement to the distinguished political figures of the Philippines, Supreme Master Ching Hai awarded the former President and two other Philippine dignitaries with the Shining World Leadership Award during the 2007 Chinese New Year celebrations at Hsihu, Formosa (Taiwan). This award acknowledges such noble individuals who are shining examples of human compassion and leadership for the world.