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Video-0640 Sacred Communion
It’s not that I invented the Quan Yin Method. I know this Quan Yin Method. This method has existed since the beginning of time, when the Universe was first formed, and it will always exist. In fact, it’s not a method; but a universal path, a universal law. If we want ..(more)
Video-0642 Divine Love Is the Only True Love
Master emphasizes that not a single Quan Yin practitioner on this planet can fail to see the inner Light so fellow initiates should never give up on meditation. Even if you don't see the Light today, you may see It tomorrow. She also discusses how to distinguish ..(more)
Video-0650 We are Here to Bless the World
And the higher we step into the higher mansions of God, the more elevated we feel, the more wisdom will be reawakened within ourselves, the more power we will have. The more love will stream forth from God through our beings to bless the world, and bless everyone, ..(more)
Video-0665(1,2) Halloween Weekend with Supreme Master Ching Hai
In this joyous and festive occasion, Supreme Master Ching Hai teaches us that fun and relaxation are important in our spiritual lives. She also patiently and gracefully answers questions from disciples explaining that we have two choices in life: to stand up with ..(more)
Video-0669 The Mercy of God
Death should be celebrated, not mourned because that is our final liberation. We will know everything. We will be into everything. We will be everywhere in a fraction of a second. We will have everything that we wish for come true immediately. But in order to prepare ..(more)
Video-0670 Our Perfect Nature
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Lecture: 'm grateful to be here with you, among beautiful people. It's just that sometimes you don't know how beautiful you are. You try to pretend to be stupid, to be bad, but you're nice, you're really perfect. Nothing you ..(more)
Video-0673 Transcend Emotions
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Lecture: We always need protection because we're not at home here in this physical body. In this physical world we're not at home. That's why a lot of things happen to us. Sometimes people have negative powers possess them; ..(more)
Video-0674 Walking In Love and Laughter
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lecture: We can make Heaven on earth all the time. People really don’t know that. Yes, really, Heaven is here anytime, anytime we want. And we can be in Heaven all the time. It’s getting better and better every time and at ..(more)
Video-0675 Sharing Songs over a Warm Fire
The most simple and sublime moments of peace and spirituality are often shared together with family and friends, blissfully united with God singing songs of love, legends, and lore passed down through the generations. Love, happiness, and sincerity are like rocket fuel ..(more)
Video-0684 Recognizing Your Greatness
The initiates from mainland China are the greatest. Practicing in such a situation, but still firm and faith, that is very good for you. Only then can you recognize how strong and great you are. If the situation is too easy, sometimes, we don’t practice well, keep ..(more)
Video-0685 Concentration on Work: A Way of Spiritual Practice
If we have extremely intense inner experiences during meditation that cause bodily stress, how should we handle this condition? How should spiritual practitioners regard "engagement in worldly affairs according to affinity," or should they face life with a more ..(more)
Video-0696 Freedom Beyond The Body & Mind
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lecture: The brain sometimes cannot get the full message from the soul because the brain is like a filter. Sometimes the filter is not very effective, and all the orders from the soul become distorted so we do things wrong, we ..(more)
Video-0697 The Fish Strawberry
This very insightful conversation between Supreme Master Ching Hai and disciples discusses the important topic of genetically modified foods and whether or not they are suitable for the vegetarian and vegan diets. Foods that are devoid of love cannot provide the ..(more)
Video-0698 A Master Incognito
Supreme Master Ching Hai expresses what it is like to be a Master and how she lives in this physical world. From global traveling to taking care of initiates, everything in life seemed to be tangled with thorns and prickles for her. She shares with us some humorous and ..(more)
Video-0700 The Living Saints
In the beautiful Korean summer, Supreme Master Ching Hai received contact persons from around the globe during a retreat at Yong Dong center, and conversed on many topics. Master and the disciples shared stories and insights about the spiritual path and a number of ..(more)