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Video-0662 Face Life with Courage
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lecture: Spirituality has two aspects: one is theory, and the other is practice. The theoretical aspect is what introduces us to God, Heaven, bliss, everlasting life and "seeing God while living." For example, it's just like ..(more)
Video-0665A Pacifying the Mind
We can go to Heaven, come back, go to Heaven and come back again. But we don't go with the physical body. We go with the spirit. We can consciously leave this physical temple for a while, and go contact the spirits in a spiritual world with our same spirit like their ..(more)
Video-0667 Be a Torchbearer for God
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture: Many people ask me all the time: "What happens when we die?" and I always say, "I haven't died yet so I don't know." But we can experience the feeling of death during our deepest prayers or contemplation. When we’re ..(more)
Video-0668 The Invisible Passage Way
In order to experience physical existence as we do now, we, as God before, when we were in Heaven, and one with God, as God, have created time and space in this planet, in this physical existence, so that we can experience separation from God, so that we can reunite ..(more)
Video-0671 To Be Enlightened
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture: I don't do anything physical to you during initiation. In fact, I don't even have to be at the place of initiation because God will do everything through this office. So wherever the office is, it's all right because ..(more)
Video-0676 Parliament of the World's Religions
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture: I prayed to God before I even came here, for your land and for the world, as always. I told Hirm: "Father, You know everything. You grant our wishes before we even make them. And whatever You arrange for us should be ..(more)
Video-0688 Love Is the True Essence of Life
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lecture: "The essence of God, of Buddha, of Allah, is love. When we make the choice of love, that is the highest choice, the noblest choice, which is our true Self." "To know God or to know yourselves, is as easy as ..(more)
Video-0689 Enlightenment and Ignorance
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lecture: "All the misery, all the conflict and all the unhappiness on this planet come not from war, not from poverty and not from the poverty and not from the conditions that we live in. They come from lack of wisdom, ..(more)
Video-0690 True Happiness Is Recognizing Our True Nature
All the happiest moments and situations in this world cannot match the pure and tranquil moment when we find our own inner self, our own power that is one with the whole Creation. Therefore, since ancient times, spiritual practitioners have always been happy under any ..(more)
Video-0691 Illusion Is a Reflection of Reality
The Bible tells us, "Judge not, because you will be judged." Why should we not judge our brothers and sisters? Because they are God's children also, they are of the same essence as God. We are all children of God. So no matter what your ..(more)
Video-0692 Listening Inwardly to Our Self-Nature
On 5 May 2000, at a spectacular moment in the history of the universe, five grand planets met in perfect alignment. Supreme Master Ching Hai, having been long anticipated, was invited by groups from all around Formosa to present a lecture at the Taoyuan Big Egg ..(more)
Video-0693 Wisdom and Concentration
Everything in this physical world requires concentration if we want to be successful. But in order to be eternally happy and peaceful, we need to focus our concentration on attaining higher dimensions, to learn to live a more noble life and attain the higher wisdom of ..(more)
Video-0694 Life Continues Forever
The lecture in Seoul was Supreme Master Ching Hai's last stop on Her Ocean of Love Tour. Approximately nine thousand people attended the Lecture. Supreme Master, as a visitor to Korea, was deeply touched by the honor of speaking in the country, and rejoiced that there ..(more)
Video-0711 The Hotel Called Life
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture: Many times we put things off until tomorrow, all the while knowing that this world is just a transient hotel, is even worse than the hotel where I stay. In the hotel where I stay, I pay some money and they leave me ..(more)
Video-0759 Au Lac in Ancient Times
The tragic, earth-shaking events of 1975 in Au Lac resulted in the separation of countless families, and deeply impacted the minds and lives of the Aulacese and the conscience of humanity. After the war, more than three million Aulacese had to leave their homeland, ..(more)