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Video-0827 Go All Out to Resolve the Ecocrisis
Right now our earth’s situation is really urgent. The solution is simple: Stop eating meat, use sustainable energy, bio-degradable products and plant trees. Then naturally the planet will return to its state of harmony and balance. The planet’s very existence is in ..(more)
Video-0828 Changing the World with Love
In this video/audio, Supreme Master Ching Hai tells a story about a wealthy prince who renounced the world and explains that attaining enlightenment is not determined by one’s wealth, position or background. Whoever sincerely seeks the Truth will likely develop oneself ..(more)
Video-0830 The Way of the Sufis
In this video/audio, Supreme Master Ching Hai told two Islamic stories. “The Gnat and the Elephant” is a simple, interesting, funny story with a profound spiritual theme. As explained by the Supreme Master, the ego makes us feel that we are so important and it makes ..(more)
Video-0836 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Vegetarianism is the Solution to Save the World
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lecture: “According to the UN report and scientific evidence, CO2 is not even the most lethal. It's not even the most deadly of all the pollution. I'll give you some examples. For example, methane is like 23 times more potent ..(more)
Video-0839 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: A Noble Goal & Change of Heart Can Save the Planet
In response to the deep concern that Aulacese Association members have for global warming, Supreme Master Ching Hai generously agreed to have a video conference on this important topic. She encouraged the attendees to diligently spread the information regarding global ..(more)
Video-0842 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Leading a Virtuous Lifestyle in Accord with the Law of Love
The global warming crisis is now urgently requiring immediate action. Supreme Master Ching Hai mentions in this videoconference that the climate change could accelerate to the point of no return, “Unless people change to a more benevolent lifestyle that is respecting ..(more)
Video-0847 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment— Be Veg: Change Our Destiny and Save the Planet
In this delightful video-conference between Supreme Master Ching Hai and the Seoul, Korea Center, Master emphasizes throughout the lecture the importance of spreading the vegetarian way of life to save our planet. The Korean people were very optimistic concerning the ..(more)
Video-0848 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Live Our Lives with Conscience & Love
Penghu is a small island located off the southwest coast of Formosa (Taiwan). Surrounded by the ocean, people there can clearly see the effects of climate change already. Our Association members in Penghu thus especially invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to discuss this ..(more)
Video-0849 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Compassion Begets Compassion
In response to the deep concern of Australian Association members on the incessant natural disasters around the world caused by global warming, Supreme Master Ching Hai comforted them via a videoconference saying, “If human beings could regain the memory of their great ..(more)
Video-0850 Purity of Heart Can Create Many Miracles
Have you ever dreamt of visiting the stars and other planets? In this lecture between Supreme Master Ching Hai and disciples, one disciple tells of his amazing experiences in practicing the Quan Yin method and the many miracles that have occurred in his life due to ..(more)
Video-0855 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Going in the Noble Direction
How can one achieve more in life, meditation and work without food, or at least by eating lighter and more simply? Under what circumstances can one cease eating food? In the videoconference with our Association members in Auckland, New Zealand, Supreme Master Ching Hai ..(more)
Video-0859 A Taoist Tale of Longevity
True longevity does not mean everlasting state of the physical body. It means to overcome the law of physics in this world and transcend material things, overcome the ego, free one’s self nature and elevate spirituality to enter “eternal life.” At any era, practice ..(more)
Video-0864 Trust in God
Meat, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs have caused many diseases and crimes, poisoned our health, mind and spirituality. The resulting karma has also led to various kinds of natural disasters. Most of the people do not know or understand the damaging effect and costly ..(more)
Video-0866 The Ego is the Greatest Enemy
You will be inspired by these moving, intimate encounters between Supreme Master Ching Hai and Association members, whereby she speaks frankly about karma, the ego and the current state of our planet, offering inspirational anecdotes and wise words. The Supreme ..(more)
Video-0868 The Wise Saints—Nasrudin and Rumi's Poems
At an International gathering in 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai told stories about the Wise Mullah Nasrudin and parables from the poems of Rumi. During her talk she answered the following questions: "Why did Mullah Nasrudin choose money over wisdom in the face of the ..(more)