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Video-0808 Food for the Soul
Many centuries ago, a great and saintly Quan Yin practitioner from Persia known as Rumi helped to enlighten people throughout the ages with his devotional poetry. He speaks of a love beyond this physical existence; it awaits us, whenever we reflect inwardly in ..(more)
Video-0809 The Heart of Renunciation
Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly narrated some stories from the Far East, illustrating that the true renunciation is within the heart. In one of the stories, Sukhdev was born as a sage and practiced asceticism, yet he still had to request initiation from a worldly ..(more)
Video-0810 Heaven's Loving Support
In order to teach humankind a nobler way of life, a Great Master's life sometimes mirrors worldly living. However, appearing like the ordinary and living alongside the people have a different purpose: To teach the masses through a shining example. Supreme Master ..(more)
Video-0811 World of Elevating Spirits
During the 2007 Christmas gathering, initiates passionately reported various snippets of good news from around the world. After seeing the incredible pace of many countries’ development, Supreme Master Ching Hai happily expressed, “The world is getting better and ..(more)
Video-0812 An Enlightened Master's All-Encompassing Dedication
In this video/audio, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her joke collection with initiates, and interestingly compared the similarities and differences between the position of “President” and “Supreme Master.” Master cleverly played with words and her witty humor made the ..(more)
Video-0813(1.2) Restoring the Planet through Constructive Work
The past and the present are more closely related than most people realize. Supreme Master Ching Hai, in this loving exchange with disciples, explains the many similarities between the Essenes – the ancient White Brotherhood community which is also known to have ..(more)
Video-0814 All Peaceful Religions Lead to a United Way of Life
The ancient order of the Essenes originating around 300 B.C. was a sacred brotherhood which practiced the Quan Yin Method for enlightenment. The remarkable similarities between the Essenes and the modern-day Quan Yin family are fascinating. The lineage of light and ..(more)
Video-0816(1.2) The True Possession of Spiritual Practitioners
In this joyful meeting, Supreme Master Ching Hai greets disciples with spiritual wisdom and practical guidance just like a big sister with her close friends. She talks about the tricks and persuasions of the mind, the privilege and choices of humans as well as giving ..(more)
Video-0817 Create a Beautiful and Virtuous World Together
At this critical moment of our planet Earth, fellow initiates shared with Supreme Master Ching Hai all kinds of activities and services carried out by our centers around the world. Through God’s blessings and efforts of fellow initiates, many positive changes are now ..(more)
Video-0819 Laughing with Enlightenment
Supreme Master Ching Hai delights us once again with an abundance of hilarious jokes. Jokes serve the purpose of bringing us happiness and laughter, and at the same time reveal to us the common difficulties in our daily life and how these difficulties could be overcome ..(more)
Video-0820 Kabir and the True Spirit of Sainthood
In this loving gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai read a poem written by Saint Kabir. Master encouraged us that everyone can be a Saint. She said, “There’s no mystical thing about being a saint. Nothing at all! Just truly your desire for God, that’s it. That’s the ..(more)
Video-0821 Rise Above Death
Supreme Master Ching Hai walks us through the understanding of the deep poetic truths that are locked in the scriptures of the ancient gurus—in this case the Indian poet Kabir. It is within these teachings that we can begin to comprehend the infinite value of the ..(more)
Video-0822 Laugh Your Way to Heaven
In this video/audio, Supreme Master Ching Hai talks about a variety of topics with much humor and laughter. For example, on the theme of gender, she jokes, “In the world, 1/4 of the population look like women but they are not women and 1/5 look like men but they are ..(more)
Video-0823 Holiday to Glorify All the Saints
As the video/audio begins, our happy Santa Supreme Master Ching Hai is singing songs and handing out presents to her hard working elves! Initiates from all over the world then sing festive songs to celebrate the birth of Jesus, who Master said, “symbolizes all the ..(more)
Video-0824 Live in Joy
Supreme Master Ching Hai delicately chooses many jokes as gifts of joy for this mundane world. For example, a lion asks every animal he meets, “who is the strongest in the woods?” and gets a surprising answer from an elephant. One group of bats sees that one of their ..(more)